1.1. The following information is provided in compliance with section 10 of Portuguese Decree-Law 7/2004 of January 7: The owner of this website is James Coil, who can be contacted directly by mail at Apartado 1032, EC Vilamoura, Quarteira 8125-998, Portugal, or by email at the address found in the Contact section of this website.
    1.2. James Coil is duly registered with the Portuguese tax authority as a trabalhador independente, with Tax ID number 304646121, as an independent service provider doing business in Portugal under EU and Portuguese law and the U.S.-Portugal Tax Treaty. As a U.S. citizen, he also remains in compliance with all requirements imposed by the United States Internal Revenue Service.
    2.1. James Coil guarantees maximum privacy and discretion for all clients and potential clients. When doing business with him, your information will not be shared with, disclosed to, or transferred to any third parties at any time (except for disclosure of client names and ID numbers to the tax authority in Portugal, as required by law).
    2.2. No documents provided for purposes of their assessment or translation will be retained or stored beyond the date upon which payment for the corresponding translation has been received, or beyond the date when a potential client declines the corresponding translation services offered, as the case may be. James Coil does not use or disclose any client names or logos for marketing or advertising purposes.
    2.3. Personal data protection takes place in compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation or “GDPR” (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016) as a “data controller” or “data processor”, as the case may be, and in compliance with the United States Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) as a “business associate”.
    3.1. Physical (printed) copies are not made of any documents received electronically. James Coil does not make any use of “machine translation”, “cloud services”, “cloud storage”, “online software”, or “pirated software”, since these could potentially cause information to be disclosed to third parties.
    3.2. The technical and organizational security measures implemented include, among others, use of encrypted email services, strong and unique passwords on IT equipment, physical securement of premises to prevent unauthorized access, use of secure VPN connections when transferring files and communicating with clients, and secure deletion of documents when no longer needed for purposes of assessment or translation.
    3.3. Any data or information provided by any of this website’s users after contacting James Coil about a potential translation project will be processed in accordance with his Terms of Service document, which contains more detailed information about the applicable IT security measures, data storage periods, data deletion, exercise of the rights of data subjects, etc.
    4.1. This website is provided solely for the purpose of one-way communication of commercial information.
    4.2 This website does not use or require cookies, and it does not collect any type of information or data from its users, either through website forms or by any other means. Because of this, no data or information is shared with or disclosed to any third parties at any time, or under any circumstances. Any appearance of cookies being used by this website is unintentional and beyond the control of the website’s owner, and any such cookies that do exist will not be accessed, viewed, or used in any way.
    5.1. James Coil is an independent contractor who aims to simplify the procedures used in relation to his translation services, including those for requesting, approving, managing, and invoicing the translations provided. Additional information regarding these procedures will be provided to potential clients after they have made their initial contact with James Coil by email, by means of his full Terms of Service document.
    5.2. Means of payment are agreed upon with each individual client at the appropriate time. Other terms of service, such as delivery deadlines, requests for creation of translation memories or glossaries, or other details can always be determined in collaboration with James Coil, in a customized manner and on a case-by-case basis.
    5.3. James Coil endeavors to maintain the highest possible standards of translation quality, professionalism, and courtesy. This includes rejecting any use of “machine translation”, with the sole exception being potential use of such contents when provided by the clients themselves. If any client has queries, complaints, or claims about the quality, contents, or fitness for use of the translations provided by James Coil, the client should bring these to his attention so that an amicable solution can be determined, on the basis of commercial relations carried out in good faith.
    5.4. Certificates of Translation Accuracy. James Coil is an ATA-certified translator in the Spanish into English language pair, which means that he is authorized to issue a “Certificate of Translation Accuracy” bearing his signature and personal, numbered ATA seal. These certificates are provided to clients upon request, for a small additional fee.
    5.5. Direct and third-party liability. Because James Coil does not operate under a limited liability business structure, it is expressly stated here that it will not be possible for him to accept, and he does not accept, any form or amount of direct or third-party liability, beyond refunding of the full price paid for the translation(s) provided in cases where reasonably justified.
    5.6. The translation services provided in accordance with these Terms of Service are subject to the laws of Portugal, and the courts or other mediation bodies of the district of Faro, Portugal must be understood as the agreed-upon venues for addressing any disputes that arise in relation to those services, whenever they cannot be resolved in an amicable manner after reasonable efforts have been made to do so in good faith.